Talk Therapy With Christine Kniffen MSW, LCSW.

Are you struggling with something currently or in your past that is holding you back?

relationship coaching session

What Is Talk Therapy?

At its core, talk therapy allows a person to discuss their concerns, goal and challenges with a person who holds no biases and no judgments. After a series of sessions talk therapy should help a person target, and eventually change, patterns of thought and behavior that may be a hindrance to a healthy state of mind. These sessions will always be strictly confidential.

How Does Talk Therapy Work?

Generally speaking, when a person enrolls in talk therapy the therapist will ask several questions during an initial appointment. This is for the therapist to gain a comprehensive understanding of the person’s history and background, so they can decide on the best course of treatment. Questions at this stage tend to be around the following:

  • family history of any mental health conditions
  • past traumas
  • how the patient is coping with their issues in daily life
  • what they hope to achieve through talk therapy
relationship coaching session
couple in counseling

What Are The Benefits Of Talk Therapy?

In a talk therapy session, a counselor may help a person do the following:
• gain a better understanding of their emotions
• identify roadblocks and obstacles to optimal mental health
• overcome anxiety and insecurities
• cope with stress
• process previous traumatic experiences
• work on breaking unhealthy habits
• discuss lifestyle changes

Christine Kniffen Relationhship Coach

Get Started Today With Christine Kniffen MSW, LCSW

Talk therapy is an effective means of treating mental health conditions and recurring stressors that interfere with daily life.

A therapist can help pinpoint core issues, triggers, negative or harmful patterns of behavior and more to aid in treatment of a problem.

Look, I know that it can be scary to make that initial appointment. Many people understandably want to forget upsetting things and may find it difficult to admit that they need some fine tuning.

However, the stuff that bothers you is not going to go away on its own.

Make the call…..I promise that you will not be disappointed.


Christine was so helpful to me. She taught me how to figure out what I wanted from a person that I wanted to be in a relationship with. She taught me how to ask for what I wanted and not to put up with things I was not ok with. I finally started speaking up for myself. She helped me with romantic relationships, but also relationships with family members and friends.
Thanks Christine!!

Mary S.

Before I began seeing Christine, my relationship with my spouse was such that I didn’t speak up enough for myself. She has given me the tools to advocate for what I want and need and my spouse is treating me much better as a result…

Christine is very easy to talk with and down to earth with practical advice. She’s a wonderful counselor and I’m very fortunate to have found her.

Toni D.

Feeling relatable, safe and heard are 3 reasons why I knew Christine was the therapist for me. From the moment I walked in to her office, I knew I was safe. What I appreciated most is that Christine never let me off the hook. She offered perspectives that I couldn’t see. Identifying those perspectives and creating strategies to work through them set me up for success. Life is good and I feel like me again.

Meredith W.